I Constantly Update. Please Visit Often!

I’ve split the work into different categories. They are branches of the same tree. I felt cartoons (self-generated ideas that stand alone in a mag) and journalism (a complete story that includes writing and art) deserved their own space. I will be adding new pieces as I do them. So please check back often.


Here are a few pieces, new and old. The sizing changes with the comnputer so I’ve zoomed in on some of them. The numbers below indicate the continued portfolio on separate pages.

The Naked Campaign

The Naked Campaign, one of the most amazing collaborative experiences of my life, evolved out of a 2004 project with Gail Levin (7 time Emmy winning director) and myself . . . and the belief and dedication of David Remnick, Pam McCarthy, Chris Curry, Blake Eskind at The New Yorker. It spanned the 2008 Campaign … Read more


Enthrall Lincoln said, “We must disenthrall Ourselves and then we shall save our country.” Meaning, snap to, pay attention Lest you lose your moment to act. But of all the days of my life This might be the one to enthrall. To stand for an hour, transfixed, awed, engaged By a movement to greatness. Where … Read more

Disaster Pro

As our new president arrives he certainly will find the clean-up a daunting task. Here’s hoping the team is truly pro. This for this week’s New Republic.