For one day every two years, the Senate can change its rules. Tomorrow is that day and Tom Udall (D-NM) is planning to reform the filibuster.  The filibuster is a grotesque perversion of the original once-in-a-while tactic against a majority action.  In other words, so movements don’t . . . er, pass.  Now the Republicans have seized on it as a way to block legislation.  This is a big reason so much has been broken, blocked and crippled in Washington.

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On a warm day, days after the blizzard, the snow moves quickly upward, in vapors. Here’s a spooky Central Park, taken this weekend. (It has also revealed large mountains of garbage everywhere.  Almost ski-able.)

Is This Perfect or What?

Hands down, the cover of the year.  Sometimes montage is the best you can do and here it is.  Idea, image perfectly blended, and with great panache. Congrats to Newsweek.  The Lampoon lives!!!


Very sad to hear today of the passing of our friend Simms Taback, noted illustrator, children’s book author and activist for artist’s rights. He was a hero to a lot of us in the graphic arts. Here is a post from last June, which Simms saw and liked. In the year plus of grace that he had since deciding to stop immiserating treatment for pancreatic cancer Simms got to travel, be with family and friends and hear what he meant to them. Our thoughts are with them at this time. My reflections are reprinted below.

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