Artists Against the War Clustersigning!

This Thursday evening  the Society of Illustrators will sponsor a lecture inspired by the new book Artists Against the War, just published by Underwood Books. The show, which opened at the Society in 2008, featured the work of over 60 dedicated artists, generously devoting their time and talent for something they cared deeply about: the tragically misguided US involvement in Iraq. The talk will center on the role of artists in addressing this and related issues, work done at that time and since. The artists on the panel: Frances Jetter, Peter Kuper, Wendy Popp and Victor Juhasz will be on hand to clustersign copies of the book following the talk. Other artists in the show will be on hand to contribute as well.

Thursday Feb. 10,

The Society of Illustrators

128 E.63 St. NYC

$15 non-members, $10 members, $7 students (free to all artists in the show and book natch)

Tomer Hanuka

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