Sponge Bob Tea Party Crank of the Day

Sponge Bob Tea Party Crank of the Day. In the amazing Sunday piece in the Times we meet Tea Party hawks who believe in cutting taxes and spending across the board, but can’t IMAGINE losing these benefits themselves.  We see how 1 of 4 dollars in middle class income now comes from government aid of … Read more

Valentine Crushes of the Day

This Valentine’s Day considering the true romances flourishing in politics. Opening a new animated series for the brand new Washington Spectator site, washingtonspectator.org. Also running now on the Huffington Post.  Many thanks to Lou Dubose, Hamilton Fish, Emily Gordon, Betty Russell, Alissa Levin, Edel Rodriguez and everyone who made this new site possible. This is … Read more

Warbucks’ Winter Mittens Theory of the Day

Warbucks’ Winter Mitten of the Day. Greg Palast asks the interesting question: why did Romney superpac support fall off in recent mid western states when Santorum posed a threat to his candidacy? He posits in this piece Truthout http://www.truth-out.org/billionaires-brokered-convention/1328809810 that the “owners” don’t believe in Romney in any real way.  They want, Palast, suggests, a … Read more